Saturday 17 April 2010

2012 Survival Guide - How To Survive 2012 and Planet X

All but a few have now heard the different end of the world predictions about 2012, the end of the Mayan calendar. Some people are anticipating the end of the world as we know it, while others see the date 21'st December 2012 as the dawn of a new age of enlightenment and consciousness. The ancient Mayan calendar ends on December 21'st 2012 and some people believe that this means that a catastrophic event will happen and wipe out the human race for good. It doesn't help that the signs are all there: Earthquakes, Tsunamis and hurricanes. Is this the work of the gravity of the mysterious Planet Nibiru on course for a rendezvous with earth in 2012? Whether or not these prophecies are true can't be your main concern; you must have a 2012 survival guide and a plan ready for survival - or be unapologetically be wiped out from history. Making sure you and your family survive should be your only concern.

Survival Tip #1)

You first should stock up on important items like water, food and basic medicine. If the world will be hit by some catastrophic event then there will be a rush for food and water first and later on for ammunition and medicine. You do not want to get stuck in a stampede for the nearest convenience store! Army supply stores often have all these things. You can get canned food that can last for decades if stored in the right way. Fresh water can be difficult to find in emergency situations, that is why water purifying sets are important for survival

Survival Tip #2)

Mentally prepare. Panic will be how the majority of the population will react. You can not allow yourself to get carried away though. It's important to be in the right state of mind and keep your cool. You should be mentally prepared for all possible scenarios, from bad to worse. Even if 2012 does not get severe, the skills you have learned will be with you forever you will never be in a position were you will depend on an incompetent government to help you.

Survival Tip #3)

Keep your sanity. Don't do any crazy things, just because you believe there will be no consequence after 2012. No one can predict with certainty what the world will look like after 2012. Don't burn any bridges or do something you will regret later. Just prepare for yourself and go about your life as you did before.

Survival Tip #4)

Be safe on December 21'st 2012. Any 2012 survival guide will tell you that December 21'st is the date too look out for. While we may not know if this part of the 2012 prophecy will hold up, it's best to be safe. Stay in a safe place and if you have any plans made, then it's probably a good idea to reschedule! A 2012 survival guide will have instructions for which places will be safe.

Survival Tip #5)

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Sure, it may not be pleasant to think about the world being hit a cataclysm of terror, but it's for the best. If 2012 turns out to be nothing or only a small occurrence, then you have lost nothing. You are still alive and living well, but if the worst happens; if the predictions come true, then you will be very happy indeed that you took steps to prepare. Prepare for every scenario. Prepare for rioting and looting. Prepare for lack of electricity and infrastructure. Get ready.

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