Tuesday 6 April 2010

2012 - Will The World Really End?

December 21. 2012 is a date that looms eerily in the very near future. Biblical scholars, students of the apocryph texts, astronomers and scientists even agree. 2012 marks the date of a previously unseen cataclysm. What it will be or how it will go down - that is what there is still heated debate about. The apocolypse? Cosmic catastrophe brought on by Planet X? The coming of the Watchers as decribed in the ancient Book of Enoch?

The ancient Mayan calendar foretold the end of the world in 2012 or at least that's what it has been interpreted as. For an otherwise technologically unimpressive civilization, the Mayan calendar has baffled scientists and archeologists with it's precise calculations and predictions, a feat which would only be exceeded with modern technology long, long after. So maybe there is reason to at least consider the possibility of something extraordinarily happening on December 21, 2012?

Depending on your religious or spiritual beliefs there may be explanations that ring more true than others. Christians, Jews and Muslims all believe in the return of the Messiah and the battle with the Anti-Christ as reported in the Book of Revelation. We know quite a lot about the signs of the coming of the Anti-Christ and unfortunately the signs are all there. Even if you are not religious, perhaps you would take not that famous fortune teller Nostradamous also predicted 2012. In any case, it's not easy to piece together the pieces of the puzzle. I have scoured the internet looking for clues and have tried to put it together as I could here.

Some people believe 2012 has to do with the mysterious Planet X, which astronomers have suspected to be part of the Solar System on an inverted axis. Astronomers have come to this conclusion from observing a series of happenings that suggest a gravitational pull from an unexplained object. This proposed Planet X would be enormous in size, maybe as big as Jupiter and would enter into close proximity to earth and the Solar System in 2012 offsetting nature in ways unimaginable - shifting the earths poles from North to South, altering the rotation of night and day until he day is but a few hours long and disintegrating the atmosphere. This theory is given some credentials from all the Hollywood films were a cosmic catastrophe forces SOME of the earths people to go into hiding underground. It's never the ordinary people though in these movies. Are Hollywood prepping us for a collapse of society?

One far more dark and scary explanation of 2012 is that prophecised in the Book of Enoch, the worlds oldest religious text. This book was once well known in what is now known as Israel and it's influences and predictions are referenced in the Bible and apocryph texts. It was discarded by the modern church though, because of its accounts of the how the Fallen Angels and Demons came unto earth and had children with humans. This is the story briefly told in the Bible as the giants that once walked on earth. Are these Fallen Angels really aliens?

These angels/Daemons/aliens are called the Nephilim and the Book of Enoch tells us that God/The Almighty was so displeased with how they had corrupted the earth and the DNA of humans that he put their leader Azazel into the ground (Satan/Devil). Azazel taught the humans the art of war, how to make weapons, how to harness the power of greed for personal gain. But Azazel remains deep beyond ground until it's time for the showdown. Is 2012 that showdown? Is Azazel the Anti-Christ or the Dajjal in Islam?

Other theories about 2012 are more present. They have to do with the mysterious cabal of Bankers, Politicians and Old Aristocratic Families who have been controlling the world in secret while plotting for their final takeover of the world - the so called New World Order. The names for this unholy cabal are many the Illuminati, the Freemasons 33'degree, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberger Group. There's certainly no doubt that powerful people are doing what they can these years to spread fear among the people (terrorist threats, the Patriot act).

What about the financial aims of the elite? We know that there has already been talks of a global currency. This will likely take place after the dollar crashes. This wil bring on turmoil and fear and a global currency wil be introduced as a solution. It actually already exists and is called IMF SDR (Special Drawing Rights). With the world in financial turmoil, maybe plagued by a new virus and war, the elite will be in a perfect position to take over and establish their dreams of a world government.

As you can tell, it's difficult to know for sure what is myth and what is fact in this 2012 scenario. I've done my best to try and gather as much knowledge as I can. With that said, these are the best resources I have found. One is called 2012: Contact, you can read about it by clicking the link. Do your own investigation; do not be unprepared like they want you to be! Together we can find the truth!

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