The Mayan calendar is unique in that it is incredibly advanced and precise. The Mayans lived more than 1500 years ago, yet their calendar can still be used to predict lunar ecclipses. It is actually more precise than the modern Gregorian calendar. That is a problem because it ends in 2012!
There are many theories on what will happen in 2012, from epidemics to the coming of the anti-christ, but few have more support than the Planet X/Planet Nibiru theory. The ancient Sumerians believed earth was created by a collission with another planet that they called Nibiru after one of their gods. We know that all landmass was at one point in earth’s history concentrated on one side only (Pangea). That makes the Sumerian story seem less far fetched. Planet Nibiru was unknown for many years until an astronemr by the name of Percival Lowell discovered it in 1906. Then in 1983 NASA dubbed it Planet X, as it has yet to be seen. The reason for this is that it has an elliptical orbit around the Sun, which means it takes 3500 years to make an appearance. Apparantly those 3500 years are up now.
If this Planet X does come into close contact with earth, then the consequences could be catastrophic. I link to a 2012 survival guide in the right sidebar. I suggest you check it out.
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